Tuesday, October 26, 2010


we're sorry the video wouldn't upload in time,
but you can view our video on st public.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Design Brief

Design a trussed bridge that can support a load of 4.0kg when its placed on the bottom of the trusss.

The best design will be the one with best specific strength (strength to weight ratio) at this load.


We used paddle pop sticks and PVA glue to help it glue together in the process of building, we also used sand paper to smoothe out the edges of the paddle pop sticks. We used pliers to cut the sticks so it would mend to help build the bridge. We changed our deck becuase it kep falling apart and it wasnt the wright length. Madi and I found it a bit hard but some of it was quite easy.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Preliminary Idea

After we drew our Preliminary Idea we had to do a PMI which is
a plus, minus and an interesting thing. for example the interesting thing could be
the design of the bridge.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Research and Investigation:Pratt Truss

Pratt Truss
A truss bridge is a bridge composed of connected elements (typically straight) which may be stressed from tension, compression, or sometimes both in response to dynamic loads. Truss bridges are one of the oldest types of modern bridges. The basic types of truss bridges shown in this article have simple designs which could be easily analyzed by nineteenth and early twentieth century engineers. A truss bridge is economical to construct owing to its efficient use of materials.

Research and Investigation.

K Truss.

 In the K Truss, the length of the members that undergo compression is reduced. The design of this bridge is complicated and is considered to be one of the hardest bridges to build.

Research and Investigation

Warren Bridge

The Warren bridge consists of longitudinal members joined only by cross angled members.
The load on this bridge causes compression and tension in the center of the bridge.